
The cover article published by our department was featured in the “Picture of the Month” section of Advanced Science News

Posted: Nov 11, 2023

Our recent work published in Polymer Crystallization was highlighted as the cover article in volume 3 (issue 1) in February, and one image was selected as the “Picture of the Month” in Advanced Science News in March. The selected AFM image was called “ALINE WORLDS”, showing the crystal morphology of PA1012.

Advanced Science News features an “Article of the Month” section of the selected research published in the scientific journals of Willey Press, with “Picture of the Month” aiming to exhibit the most interesting and artistic scientific images from each month’s published works.

Link to the article:

Link to the “Picture of the Month” section in Advanced Science News:

This article was also reported in the special issue “Women in Polymer Science” in Journal of Polymer Science.

The first author of this article is a graduate student named Yiyu Cao, and the co-corresponding authors are Associate Professor Yong Zhou and Professor Xia Dong.
